100% Transparency

What do our HOA dues pay for?

                The HOA is responsible for the maintenance and care of both KP I & II plats.

Our revenue comes from our annual dues, currently $450 year.

Examples of current, regularly incurred expenses the HOA covers are:

Landscape maintenance, erosion control of stormwater retention ponds and protected wetland fencing

Septic & Nitrogen Test (Homeowners are directly bill through Thurston County for an annual septic certification fee, separate from inspection fees paid by the HOA.)

Road maintenance (snow, road repairs) and road reserves (our roads will need re-sealing from time to time)

Insurance, and possible legal, and CPA/audit services

Mailings and supplies, pet waste bags

Business licenses and taxes for the HOA

Potential Community events – several if the HOA body votes in favor

Possible other small and/or Capital projects down the road if the HOA body votes in favor.

Keanland Park HOA dues information:

               Annual HOA dues are expected by March 1st.  Invoices for the full amount are sent out at the beginning of the year.

The Keanland Park HOA mailing address is:

Keanland Park HOA
P. O. Box 482
East Olympia. WA.

Checks can be made out to KP PRRD HOA and mailed to the address listed on the invoice.

We are discussing the option of collecting checks in person at an annual HOA meeting in addition to the mailing option.

We are not able to accept electronic payments yet. We are working with our bank to see if that will be possible in the near future.


Can I make early payments?

                The HOA treasurer position is a part-time volunteer role and not a full-time bookkeeper employed by the HOA.  Tracking over 100 homeowners making intermittent payments is not conducive to a part-time volunteer’s time so unfortunately, early payments are not an option at this time.  It may become more feasible when and if electronic payment processing can be implemented in the near future, but until that time, intermittent payments cannot be accepted or processed other than in Jan – March.

What if I am late paying my dues?

Failure to pay your HOA dues within 30 days of due date may incur late fees.  Prolonged, continual failure to submit annual dues may also result in the HOA placing a lien on your property until all back-dues are paid in full.